Cesar Juicy Hotpot Mixed Selection Dog Food

Cesar Juicy Hotpot Mixed Selection Dog Food
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8 x 150g

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  • 8 x 150g £7.48


At Cesar, were all about sharing the joy of true friendship. Those everyday moments of shared joy between you & your bestie are what really makes a difference in life.

Cesar dog food Juicy Hotpot offers 8 delicious, wholesome and 100% complete meals, across 4 tasty recipes, carefully prepared with healthy, natural ingredients that your dog will really enjoy.

A dog food tray that offers everything your canine friend could want from wet dog food, offering a complete dog food option for your dog.

  • Our Juicy Hotpot dog food tray includes four classic complete dog food options: tasty lamb & peas in herb, succulent Beef, Potatoes & Herbs, Beef, Vegetables & Brown Rice, Chicken, Vegetables & Brown Rice
  • 100% Complete & Balanced wet dog food made with high quality ingredients.
  • Cesar dog food provides locked in freshness, meaning your dog will enjoy tasty dog food just as it's meant to taste.
  • Our Cesar dog food comes in recyclable packaging, helping our environment.
  • No added sugar, artificial colours or flavours. Just pure, tasty tender mixed Cesar dog food.


  • With Beef
    • Vegetables and Brown Rice Meat and Animal Derivatives (43%, of which Natural* 92%, including Beef 4%, Liver 4%), Derivatives of Vegetable Origin, Vegetables (including Dried Carrot and Pea Mix 0.8%, equivalent to Carrot and Pea Mix 4%), Cereals (including Brown Rice 1.1%, equivalent to Cooked Brown Rice 4%), Minerals, Vegetable Protein Extracts, *Natural ingredients
  • With Succulent Beef, Potatoes and Carrots
    • Meat and Animal Derivatives (43%, of which Natural* 92%, including Beef 4%, Liver 4%), Derivatives of Vegetable Origin, Vegetables (including Dried Carrots 0.6% and Dried Potatoes 1.1%, equivalent to Carrots 4% and Potatoes 4%), Minerals, Vegetable Protein Extracts, *Natural ingredients
  • With Chicken, Vegetables and Brown Rice
    • Meat and Animal Derivatives (43%, of which Natural* 92%, including Chicken Liver 4%), Derivatives of Vegetable Origin, Vegetables (including Dried Carrot and Pea Mix 0.8%, equivalent to Carrot and Pea Mix 4%), Cereals (including Brown Rice 1.1%, equivalent to Cooked Brown Rice 4%), Minerals, Vegetable Protein Extracts, *Natural ingredients
  • With Tasty Lamb and Peas in Herb Sauce
    • Meat and Animal Derivatives (43%, of which Natural* 92%, including Lamb 4%, Liver 4%), Derivatives of Vegetable Origin, Vegetables (including Dried Peas 1.2%, equivalent to Peas 4%), Minerals, Vegetable Protein Extracts, Herbs (Rosemary 0.08%, Parsley 0.02%), *Natural ingredients

Analytical constituents (%)

With Beef, Vegetables and Brown Rice

  • Protein: 8.5, Fat content: 4.5, Inorganic matter: 2.0, Crude fibre: 0.60, Moisture: 81.0

Nutritional additives

  • Vitamin D3: 250 IU, Copper (Copper(II) sulphate pentahydrate): 1.1 mg, Iodine (Calcium iodate, anhydrous): 0.22 mg, Iron (Iron(II) sulphate monohydrate): 2.9 mg, Manganese (Manganous sulphate, monohydrate): 1.7 mg, Zinc (Zinc sulphate, monohydrate): 16.1 mg

With Succulent Beef, Potatoes and Carrots

  • Protein: 8.5, Fat content: 4.5, Inorganic matter: 2.0, Crude fibre: 0.60, Moisture: 81.0

Nutritional additives

  • Vitamin D3: 250 IU, Copper (Copper(II) sulphate pentahydrate): 1.1 mg, Iodine (Calcium iodate, anhydrous): 0.22 mg, Iron (Iron(II) sulphate monohydrate): 2.9 mg, Manganese (Manganous sulphate, monohydrate): 1.7 mg, Zinc (Zinc sulphate, monohydrate): 16.1 mg

With Chicken, Vegetables and Brown Rice

  • Protein: 8.5, Fat content: 4.5, Inorganic matter: 2.0, Crude fibre: 0.60, Moisture: 81.0

Nutritional additives

  • Vitamin D3: 250 IU, Copper (Copper(II) sulphate pentahydrate): 1.1 mg, Iodine (Calcium iodate, anhydrous): 0.22 mg, Iron (Iron(II) sulphate monohydrate): 2.9 mg, Manganese (Manganous sulphate, monohydrate): 1.7 mg, Zinc (Zinc sulphate, monohydrate): 16.1 mg

With Tasty Lamb and Peas in Herb Sauce

  • Protein: 8.5, Fat content: 4.5, Inorganic matter: 2.0, Crude fibre: 0.60, Moisture: 81.0

Nutritional additives

  • Vitamin D3: 250 IU, Copper (Copper(II) sulphate pentahydrate): 1.1 mg, Iodine (Calcium iodate, anhydrous): 0.22 mg, Iron (Iron(II) sulphate monohydrate): 2.9 mg, Manganese (Manganous sulphate, monohydrate): 1.7 mg, Zinc (Zinc sulphate, monohydrate): 16.1 mg

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All prices include VAT where applicable.

Reviews (1)

Summary of Reviews for Cesar Juicy Hotpot Mixed Selection Dog Food

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1 out of 1 (100%) customers would recommend this product.
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55 Ceasar hot pot
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By on 15 October 2022

My 2 dogslove it.

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