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James Wellbeloved Dog Food

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James Wellbeloved range of premium quality dog foods combine natural, hypoallergenic ingredients made without any of the common foods known to exacerbate food intolerances. This means the diets are without beef or pork and are free from all dairy, wheat and wheat-gluten ingredients. The recipes are fortified with essential vitamins and minerals, blended with beneficial fibres and only single meat proteins are used. This provides a naturally healthy and satisfying combination feed whilst protecting your dog against health complaints arising from intolerances and allergies. Aside from being beneficial to the health of your dog, the recipes in the range are wholesome and palatable.

The ingredients in James Wellbeloved dog food have been specially chosen for their high nutritional content and blended to ensure each variety provides essential nutrients for your dog. An increasing number of animals suffer from health problems due to the food they are given, which is not formulated to keep them in good health. Any ingredients which were suspected of causing problems were not permitted to be included in James Wellbeloved dog food.

James Wellbeloved has a range of foods which are suitable for dogs of all ages and sizes, from puppies to senior dogs and the lists of ingredients on the packs are clear and easy to understand. As a complete food, no supplementation is necessary and mixing with other food brands is not recommended as this could reduce the digestibility and interfere with the nutritional value of the food from James Wellbeloved.

James Wellbeloved dog food uses a single protein source rather than a combination which can help the animal to avoid becoming intolerant. To reduce the risk of allergies, the range of dog pet food contains no wheat, beef, pork or dairy products. There are no artificial additives such as flavours, colours or preservatives and the food contains natural antioxidants in the form of vitamins E and C to promote a healthy immune system.

Dog James Wellbeloved